About Garnick Entertainment
Garnick Entertainment works with clients who are looking to launch, strengthen or elevate their brand.
Garnick Entertainment works with clients who are looking to launch, strengthen or elevate their brand.
Who We Are:
Garnick Entertainment is headed by CEO, Cindy Garnick. Cindy’s roles include PR Strategist, Media Coach, Producer/Director, Talent Booker and more. Cindy works with Networks, Producers and Talent to provide engaging, relevant content and brand assets. In staying true to her roots, she continue to work directly with talent to take them to the next level. Garnick Entertainment is truly a one stop shop, harnessing the creative energy of our full team to bring visions to life.
With synergistic strategies we execute fresh concepts that hit the mark – with laser focus.
Who We Work With:
Our clients include TV/Radio Personalities, CEO’s, Athletes, Social Media Influencers, Musicians, Artists, Politicians, Health & Wellness Brands, Film Makers, Non-Profit Organizations, Photographers, and even Spiritual Advisers.
Cindy Garnick is the CEO of Garnick Entertainment Media Group. She has been known as the “Image Maker” in the entertainment industry and is a very passionate Public Relations Strategist and Media Coach. Cindy started out in the music industry taking talent to the next level and is described as a “skilled marksman” with laser focus when engaging and executing. Her out of the box thinking and creative processes have earned her respect from clients and colleagues, alike. If Cindy takes on a project, there is no doubt potential exists. Her eye for detail and intuitive vision are like no other. Cindy has an unshakable confidence that only comes from knowing her field of practice inside and out. She is truly a modern day entertainment renaissance woman.
Growing up Cindy was fortunate to have early exposure to the industry via her father and considers it an honor to have had The Harold Singer ask her “where ya’ been kid?” when she auditioned for him. He was the renowned coach of Bobby Rydel, Frankie Avalon, James Darin & Fabian, and he believed in Cindy so much that he also put her out on the circuit to perform. Having a dad who performed certainly helped fuel Cindy’s passions and gave her the wherewithal to seek training from the best. Cindy’s father was a well-respected jazz musician with a residency in Las Vegas at the Freemont Hotel, in the days of the “Rat Pack”. At the time he was the top act in downtown Las Vegas, while Louis Prima was the top uptown act.
Cindy’s history also includes successful experiences as the talent in fashion modeling, acting, and music. While on the other side of the camera she has truly made her mark in television production. Cindy is a skilled talent booker and excels at show concept and content creation. Her projects have benefited from her ability to gain national sponsorships as well as selling to networks.
Today, she works with both established and emerging talent to define their road to success and strengthen their skills. Cindy’s combination of dedication, professionalism and vision prove to be a winning formula time and again. She is the epitome of a triple threat in the entertainment world, delivering outstanding value to all who come in contact with her! She currently shares her time between Philadelphia, New York & Los Angeles, when not writing, beach-side, at her home on the Jersey Shore.